May 12, 2024

What Clients Say





The following client testimonials do not include names/companies to respect their wishes for client confidentiality:

“My experience was enlightening and the caliber of our discussions were high.  For me personally, I am a strong leader for my clients, my colleagues and friends, my family, and above all, myself.”    from an attorney

“Quite simply, Penni gave me ideas that work!  She inspired me by suggesting ways to reach my audience that I hadn’t considered before.  After just one brief phone conversation, I felt more focused and motivated.”    from an entrepreneur

Penni is very perceptive about my obstacles and is much more patient than I am with working through my challenges.  She helped me redefine my potential.      from a solo-preneur

Thank you for giving me what I needed most as I worked through this job transition.  My last position offered me structured days and built-in accountability.  This opportunity has full days of running around, spontaneous meetings and unpredictable situations.  You helped me see how I can get out of my own way and discover new leadership skills so I can develop a new level of effectiveness.     went from a social worker to educational adminstration



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